Massage Courses UK
Brandon Raynor’s School of Massage and Natural Therapies has been providing massage therapy training in UK and Ireland for over 10 years. We have a growing group of practitioners which is generating more demand for the massage as word spreads about the effectiveness of Raynor treatments. Our short and intensive massage course provide quality education in groups of no more than 16 people to one teacher.
Raynor Massage is different to most massage therapies available in the UK and Ireland, it is a holistic massage drawing from Ayurvedic massage, Japanese shiatsu massage, Deep tissue massage, Hawaiian lomilomi massage, Swedish massage, acupressure, and yoga breath work. Brandon developed Raynor massage to make a simple but very powerful and transformative style of massage therapy. Its aim is to find and then get rid of all residual tension in the body. Our courses are hands on and practical, there are no written exams, we do not expect you to memorize Latin names and you will be massaging from day one of the course. You will also learn a great deal from being massaged so you will also receive lots of massage during our courses enabling you to feel what you will be offering your clients. Much massage available works purely on a surface level, working lightly to provide temporary relaxation. Raynor Massage is different. The word “re-lax” comes from two words, ‘re’ to return to and ‘lax’ meaning looseness, the aim of a Raynor Massage is to return the body to a state of looseness. We train you to feel where bands of tension run through the body and then how to release these bands. It is a holistic massage and we recognize that tension in one part of the body may be held, or ‘anchored’ elsewhere – this is the approach that we teach you. In just a few days after starting your training you will be able to achieve results that people would have expected you to spend years training to gain.
Massage Courses UK takes the approach that the body is an integrated whole, its not sectioned off into physical structure and emotions, one will always effect the other. A person stressed by work or life events will ‘store’ this tension in the body, people may have deep set emotions from past traumas that have a physical effect on the body, pulling it out of alignment, causing headaches, stiff shoulders, back ache, insomnia and a whole host of other problems. Raynor Massage aims to get to the heart of this emotional and physical tension, freeing the person to truly ‘re-lax’ and be free from tension.
Our focus on developing your sense of touch and intuition in massage allows you to train on short and intensive courses. Our starting point is the Certificate course, a 5 day intensive course designed to get you started in the massage. If you want to work professionally in massage we would advise you to complete the 10 day combined Certificate and Diploma course. Brandon Raynor also runs the Advanced Practitioner’s course once a year in London allowing you to train to the highest practitioner level, you will need to complete the combined Certificate and Diploma course prior to enrolling on the Advanced course. Demand for Raynor Massage Course in UK is high, it stands out above much of the other massage available.
Our London massage courses are held at the Thames Rowing Club in Putney, easily accessible by both public transport and car. Our Ireland massage training course is held in Dublin City and again is easily accessible by public transport. We also run massage courses in Lancashire either once a year or by request once we have a viable group. On completion of the course you can get professional indemnity insurance to allow you to work in a full range of settings.
For more information:
- View details of the Certificate Massage Course.
- View details of the Diploma Massage Course.
- View details of the Advanced Practitioner’s Massage Course.
You can read more about the philosophy behind Raynor massage here by reading some of the articles written by Brandon to learn about:
Raynor Massage training is only available through the Brandon Raynor School of Massage and Natural Therapies. Courses in Dublin are taught by our Dublin based practitioner who knows the local market well and is also a practitioner in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The London courses is usually taught either by Brandon Raynor or by Maureen Abson, the School’s manager who has a busy practice in the North of England, sometimes they will combine and teach the course together. You can also complete your Diploma in the UK and follow this up with a trip to our retreat centre in Hawaii to study for your Advanced Practitioner’s Diploma.
Brandon Raynor demonstrating on a student during an Advanced Class
On our massage courses UK you will learn to massage more than many courses which are years long. We do not just focus on specific areas of the body and teach you how to do a set back and shoulders massage or to work specific muscle groups. You will learn to massage the feet in details, following bands in the legs and into the hips and sacrum, you will learn very detailed hand massage work and learn to trace the bands that start here into the shoulders, chest and back – and where the upper and lower body meet in terms of where tension is held. As abdominal massage is essential in releasing emotional tension you will also learn this powerful element of massage. We teach you to develop your intuition and sense of touch and work with the client’s breathing pattern to unlock deep seated stress and blocked energy and make the massage treatment suit the client, we do not teach a routine massage.
Raynor Practitioners in the UK
Maureen Abson Raynor massage in Preston
Liz Hancock Shining Waters, Raynor massage in Cumbria